Seller Related Information

How will I get charged?

At Mnadani, we strive to make our billing process as transparent and straightforward as possible for our users. Here’s how you will be charged when you list products on our platform:

1. Listing Fee: Mnadani charges Zero  fee to list your items on the platform. Regardless of the category and price of the item.

2. Commission: Upon the successful sale of an item, Mnadani takes a 10% commission based on the selling price.

3. Promotional Fees: If you choose to use our promotional tools to boost the visibility of your items, additional fees will apply based on the level of promotion you select the pricing is 400 Tsh per product per day.

3. Subscription Services: 

  •  For sellers who prefer enhanced features and visibility, we offer monthly subscription packages. The cost varies depending on the package features but generally ranges from 19,000 Tsh to 100,000 Tsh per month.

4. Payment Methods:

-Mobile Money Services Payments: On Mnadani we accept mobile money payments via M-Pesa, Tigo Pesa, Halopesa and Airtel Money.

-Debt Cards: Also we accept MasterCard and VISA 

For more detailed information on our fees, payment methods, or any specific charges, please contact our customer service team. We are here to ensure your experience on Mnadani is seamless and transparent!

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