When your order status is marked as "in process" on Mnadani, it means that your order has been successfully received and is currently being handled by the seller. Here's what typically happens during this phase:
1. Order Confirmation:
- The seller reviews and confirms the receipt of your order. This involves checking the availability of the items you have ordered.
2. Preparation:
- The seller prepares your items for shipping. This could involve packaging the products and arranging for the necessary logistics.
3. Awaiting Dispatch:
- Your order might be waiting to be picked up by the delivery service or is in the queue for dispatch.
The "in process" status generally covers the period from when you place your order until it is ready to be shipped out. The next status update you can expect after "in process" is usually "shipped" indicating that your order has left the seller's location and is on its way to you. If you need more specific details about where exactly your order is in the process, you can contact Mnadani's customer service for assistance.